"Where am I?... How did I get here?" is more than a trite line from nineteenth century melodramas and novels. It is a query put forth by potential sages throughout the history of conscious mankind.
When asked on a cosmic scale, it is bold indeed: What is this universe I keep finding myself in, and how did I get here? That is answered by esoteric Christian cosmology.
In Robe of Light Abbot George Burke explores the whys and wherefores of the mystery of creation. From the emanation of the worlds from the very Being of God, to the evolution of the souls to their ultimate destiny as perfected Sons of God, the ideal progression of creation is described. Since the rebellion of Lucifer and the fall of Adam and Eve from Paradise flawed the normal plan of evolution, a restoration was necessary. How this came about is the prime subject of this insightful study.
Moreover, what this means to aspirants for spiritual perfection is expounded, with a compelling knowledge of the scriptures and of the mystical traditions of East and West.
About Abbot George's writing: "As informed and informative as it is inspired and inspiring".
— James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief, Midwest Book Review
Author: Abbot George Burke (Swami Nirmalananda Giri)
Pages: 108
Language: English
Publisher: Light of the Spirit Press
Publisher Website: https://lightofthespiritpress.com/
publication date: 2017
ISBN-13: 9780998599809
ISBN-10: 0998599808
Topics: Christianity Cosmology Esoteric Evolution Mankind Reinkarnation Religion Spirituality
shortlink: https://books.ideenlos.org/books/102